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Frequently Asked Questions

Information about OUSD's largest early intervention site

Who Does Burbank Serve?

Burbank Preschool serves approximately 200 OUSD students ages birth to five who have been found eligible for special education services. We are the largest early intervention site in Oakland Unified.

What Types of Special Education Programs are Available at Burbank?

We house a variety of programs at Burbank including Early Start Infant-Toddler programs for children with low incidence disabilities; special day classrooms for a variety of children with special needs; and soon a collaboration between OUSD and YMCA Head Start will be on our campus. 

Are There Other Supports at Burbank?

Absolutely. Based on each child's individual needs and their IEP, Burbank has Speech and Language professionals; Deaf and Hard of Hearing specialists; Visually impaired educational specialists; Occupational Therapists; Mental Health providers; Assistive technology experts; and Physical Therapists to meet the needs of our unique students. 

What are Burbank's School Hours? 

Our school is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Friday. Most of our preschoolers attend from 8:45 - 1:45 daily. Please stop in at our office if you have specific questions.

Is There Transportation for Burbank Students?

Many preschoolers with special needs in OUSD receive transportation to their special education classroom if the family would like transportation.  Our bus transportation provider is Zum and their contact information is (510) 879-5005. If you would like more information, the OUSD Transportation web page is a good place to start. 

Where Do Students Go Before or After Their Special Education Programming?

Some of our students are bussed to caregivers and family members for in-home care, and other students attend preschool for the beginning or end of their day. OUSD has a wide variety of ECE programs for families to take advantage of and enroll.

Are Breakfast and Lunch Available? 

A hot breakfast and lunch are available for all Burbank preschoolers regardless of need. Students are welcome to bring their breakfast and lunch from home, but there will always be food for them at Burbank.

Where Can I Find the Current OUSD School Calendar?

Is Burbank a Sanctuary School?

Burbank is a proud Sanctuary school as no school knows better the rich diversity that all students and families bring to Oakland. We will never ask for a family's immigration status and we are proud to stand behind our students no matter where they were born. We are all family at Burbank.

Can I Schedule a School Visit?

Once your child has been offered a special education placement at Burbank you are welcome to schedule a visit at any time with your child's teacher.

©2019 Burbank Preschool

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