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Helpful Links for TK and K Transition

While we are working on TK or Kindergarten readiness with your student, families can start thinking about schools in Oakland that can meet your child's needs. Enrollment season begins in November of the year BEFORE TK and K - so it is generally right around the corner for many of our families each year.

For Burbank Bumblebees, the first step is to schedule a meeting with your child's teacher to plan for the transition to all day school. After that meeting, there are several resources that could help: 

All Students Apply on SchoolMint

For Communication and For Voice

All rising TK and K students are required to register on Schoolmint for the 21/22 School Year. This allows for OUSD to communicate with every family effectively - and it is one place where families can have a voice in the placement process.


Special Education Program Guide

Click on the link below for information about TK and K special education programs in OUSD.

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